Help us to build strength, stability, and self-reliance.
Since 2007, The Lake Clinic has provided 242,495 services to the villages on the Tonlé Sap. 242,495 times people have come in dehydrated, malnourished, with stomach pains, burns or bites and The Lake Clinic has been there to take care of them.
But this is not enough. We need your support in order to build our impact and serve more people more often. We can do more - but we can’t do it without you.
Here’s how.
we’re here to serve the underserved…
Looking into the future, The Lake Clinic strives to increase the amount of time on the lake. Doubling our efforts and seeing each of the nine villages twice a month instead of once a month. TLC wants to expand services beyond our current villages as well to make sure that every one on the lake can access healthcare.
The Lake Clinic is uniquely positioned to increase this because TLC is the only NGO currently serving this population.
Every week TLC serves over 200 villagers on the lake and river. But we want to serve more.
What is going on at the lake this month
This August, TLC's clinical team served 782 patients and treated 1,217 ailments across seven villages while our outreach team provided 499 services inside the homes of people across the lake.
Take a look at how those numbers break down.
Why the Tonlé SAp?