Cambodian Board of Directors

Mr. Nheak Samneang Reachsey

Chairman of the Board

Reachsey is employed at the Angkor Hospital for Children as the Chief of Logistics and Purchasing. He is also the President of Siem Reap Angkor Wat Lion’s Club, and a board member of Water for Cambodia. His involvement with The Lake Clinic began in 2007 when he was instrumental in securing TLC’s original Memorandum of Understanding with the Royal Government’s Ministry of Interior.

Mr. Siek ky

Board Treasurer

Siek is the Financial Controller at Angkor Hospital for Children and is currently attending Build Bright University where he is getting his Masters Degree in Financial Management and Banking. He has been on the Board of Directors since 2018 and immediately became the Board Treasurer.

Mr. Chris Wijnberg

Board Member

Chris is a native of The Netherlands, but has lived in Siem Reap since 2013 where he lives with his family. Currently, he is the Managing Director of Bai Tram Estates Co. Ltd. in Vietnam and works as an independent consultant throughout Vietnam and Cambodia.

MR. Mao Lee Heng

Board Member

Lee Heng joined The Lake Clinic’s board in 2019 and currently lives in Phnom Penh. He works as the Business Development Director of Kampuchea Laboratory Medical Analysis, and runs two other businesses in Phnom Penh. Lee Heng is helping The Lake Clinic to grow our Cambodian donor base and help to make TLC a household name in Cambodia.

Mr. Nhean Sahkem

Board Member

Sakhem joined TLC in August of 2008. A former career military man he began working for the reconstruction of Cambodia in 1989. He has worked with a number of United Nations Organizations (UNESCO, UNDP) as well as Medicine Sans Frontier and Friends Without a Border (as Managing Director of the Capacity Building and Health Education Program, 2001-2008).